VB and VBA Users Source Code: Excel 2000 file loading performance
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VB/VBA Source Code
Excel 2000 file loading performance
Reiner Singh
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Wednesday, May 07, 2003
An Excel application that I have been developing over the last 9 months graduallly took longer and longer to load, semmingly as the file grew to 8Meg (Nearly all code). The file was takeing 5 minutes to load - very unfriendly to a trader. After a lot of messing about and trying various things is was discovered that the problem was to do with the emf files in the temp directory. There were thousands of them created by Excel for every control in a sheet when it is loaded. If the sheet closes down successfully, then the files are deleted, but if Excel bombs out the files are left there. I think that the next time Excel opens up, it tries to assign control 1 to file 1, but as the file is still in existence, it increments the file id, and so on until it finds a free one to use. I deleted all the files and the sheet loaded in 5 seconds instead of 5 minutes.
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